A regular yoga practice is beneficial in ways which simultaneously impact core muscle strength and mental focus. 

Following the tragic death of a recently retired MLB player 2 days before Christmas 2012, our founder Matthew Repplinger was compelled to impact as many lives as possible through the simplicity of meditation and yoga. Because so many former athletes are affected by depression, addiction, alcoholism and sadly often suicide post athletic career, he knew the greatest way for him to be of service was to connect his world of mindfulness and yoga to his world of professional sports.

Many athletes struggle with a loss of identity at the end of their athletic career. It is common and not just at the professional level... even more so at the amateur and collegiate levels. Its understandable former athletes will often feel unfulfilled when they don't advance to the next level. Yoga enacts a connection between the mind and the body, it's proven that it creates a greater sense of wellbeing. This is the key fact for us and is the touchstone of what we are creating at Pro Positive Yoga. We deliver in making the best meditation and yoga instructors available to you in whichever town, city or region your organization may reside. Simple.